I think it was just because she wants to know how people with broken things or a disability. I think it will be interesting but that's just my opinion... What do you think Mr Laidlaw
Hi Mr Laidlaw I think that all the people in the paralympics are just following their dream of doing the olimpics put with people like them but it is good to see people with broken things or disabilities get out there and do something they want to do....A bit like my cousin driving his sprintcar expect it ended worse than we thought but anyway it's goood to see people doing what they want to do put their way
emily gleeson was in the front of the couier and she wanted to learn more about the paralympics
Well done Laura! You're the first! Yes I wonder what Emily Gleeson was interested in about the paralympics?
I think it was just because she wants to know how people with broken things or a disability.
I think it will be interesting but that's just my opinion...
What do you think Mr Laidlaw
Hi Brooke! I think that people like Paula are amazing because they don't let disability stop them doing things - they just get on with it.
Hi Mr Laidlaw
I think that all the people in the paralympics are just following their dream of doing the olimpics
put with people like them but it is good to see people with broken things or disabilities get out there and do something they want to do....A bit like my cousin driving his sprintcar expect it ended worse than we thought but anyway it's goood to see people doing what they want to do put their way
Hi Brooke! What a great comment and insight into why disabled people do these things.
mr Liadlaw Emily Gleenson was intressted in the lady that only has one leg
Hi Emily! Interesting I guess that you would wonder how a one legged person could be an athlete.
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