Friday, July 25, 2008


The Waipa County Council have proposed as part of their Te Awamutu main street upgrade that heavy vehicles like trucks be banned from using the main street. We are going to look at whether trucks are a problem in the main street and if so what solutions could be available.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

they shouldnt be allowed in the main street because

Anonymous said...

How do u know how old a fossil is?

Anonymous said...

i think trucks should be allowd on the main street because the shops need to get there dilivery and i think they shouldnt because some trucks can be to big.

Anonymous said...

well if trucks are'nt allowed on the main street they might go-down rewi street and in a copple of weeks they will ripe up the road

Anonymous said...

ckspfzjhTheres lots of diffrent reasons why trucks should and shouldn't be allowed to go down the main street.They smell bad, they are noisy, and they damage the road. At the same time it's probably better than having them going past everyones houses.

Anonymous said...

there could be be some glass and valuble stuff that could fall off a shelf in peoples homes down mutu st

Anonymous said...

i have changed my mind i do think they should be allowed on the main street because if they werent allowed on the main street it would effect the safty of the schools

Anonymous said...

i think you can tell how old a fossil is, by how big it is. i'm not shure?

Anonymous said...

are fossils and minneris sort of the same?

Anonymous said...

what if the goverment could make a whole nother road all togher

Anonymous said...

but they take up 2 much room on rewe street

Anonymous said...

I think the trucks shouldnt be allowed in the main street because in a copple of weeks they will ripe up the road.

Anonymous said...

I think trucks should be allowed in the main street because otherwise all the town people will get fed up with the trucks coming past their door. I also think trucks should not be alowed in the main street because they don't smell very good.

Anonymous said...

i think that trucks should be allowed to go on the main st because fonterra trucks are already on the main roadso wats the point in that plus trucks have a time route and it will muck up thier time route and petrol still going up so it will be more cost to go the long way and theyll rip up roads and could hurt childrehn coos they have to get to a certain place at a certain time to get there and patrol people could get hurt while doing patrol

Anonymous said...

Good comments Wiki. Cost is certainly a factor in trucks deciding which route to take. Safety is a big issue too. Wll done!

Anonymous said...

I think trucks should be allowed on the main street because they are not doing anything wrong and the other way they have to go is more dangerous because there are alot of houses down that way.

Anonymous said...

Madelaine, I think that is what all the truckyard operators believe.

Anonymous said...

mr laidlaw what do you think about trucks going on the main road?

Anonymous said...

Wiki, I think that the council need to listen to the concerns that the truck operators have about the alternative routes and be sensible.

Anonymous said...

The survey that we done yesterday was awesome,but the antique shop had a tangy smell

Anonymous said...

Well done Jake! I wonder where he smell came from - spices maybe?